Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Retarded. Slow. Someone who is retarded is slow. Someone who is a "retard" is a moron. No, not the definition of moron, a person with a mental age of 7-12, that's probably the definition of the person using the word "retard." Said "retard" is usually doing something that is considered stupid or otherwise uncool - often considered moronic. The standard moron is generally someone who would be concerned with appearing cool.

I challenge that your average retard - with an IQ of below 75 is probably operating at a higher mental age than your average moron.

The moron is concerned, because their mental age is probably permanent. However, they don't fully realize this. The moron will go on to live an utterly average life, always thinking he is better than a retard.

A retarded person, well before the moron, understands love and kindness. A retarded person does not understand hate. A retarded person excepts differences and embraces them. A retarded person is usually very gifted - in ways many people above a 75 IQ can't understand. It's a little too complicated for us. Example - a retarded person sees someone who is sick, dirty, homeless, possibly mentally ill lying on the sidewalk. The retarded person will note that this person needs some water and something with which to clean up. The retarded person, without hesitation, will offer help. Trusting completely. Knowing how to help. Loving unconditionally. I dare say, the entire country would be a veritable utopia if it were run by retarded persons and not morons.

Yet we are ashamed of retards. We look away, embarrassed by their utter disregard for our seemingly important conventions.

I'm thinking about this as I study congenital abnormalities and I'm faced with too much reality. Abortion. What do we do when we know the child is retarded? Abort. Not always. Certainly not, but often. Why? Really. Why?

I'm not with false hopes. I know that trying to get a child with Down Syndrome to understand that you're going to the park at 3:00 and it's only 10:00 is extremely frustrating. They have no concept of time. You will be asked 10,000 times if it's time to go to the park. No, you can't hug that stranger. Why? I don't know, it's weird.

I beg of you to say, "no" to all the prenatal testing. Cystic fibrosis? Abort. Really? Yes. Blue eyes. . .hmmm. . .risky. . . I joke because I'm uncomfortable.

Give the kid a chance. Are they going to cost us money? Of course, but so does the drunk, the illegal immigrant in the emergency room, the homeless person, the elder. . and on and on. I don't think you have that choice. Can't handle it - try adoption. Worried about your body getting all out of shape - try changing your insides instead of your outsides.

If they were meant to survive, they will. If they were meant to die, they will. Even if only for a few hours - they felt love. Everyone deserves at least that much. Please erase the word, "retard" from your list of insults.

The image was a very easy search. You may have laughed. I hope you'll go back, look at it again, and realize it wasn't funny. That would make you a recovering moron.