Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Real Men

I wanted to write this for all men. Every man thinks they are the only one who -
cries - hard
feels guilty
has trouble being honest
loses his erection
can't get an erection
is ashamed to lose his hair
can't provide for his family
isn't very "manly"
enjoys beauty
feels unattractive
feels emotions deeply
loves - and fears losing his love
likes to cook
wants to be at home with his kid(s) more
likes to sing, play an instrument, or write music
has inappropriate sexual thoughts, but tries not to act on them
loves his pet as if it were his child
feels very protective of his family
is tired

In fact, men are as varied, capable, and emotional as any other person - male or female. We give men far too little credit, and men don't tend to talk to other men about personal things. Gentlemen - I like this change. I like this "new" man. You are more interesting and worthwhile whole; please don't pretend to be "manly." You're much better this way.