I love Ohio. I'm starting 3rd-year rotations next week and we are settled into our new apartment. Now I await board scores. G-d-willing I passed. Other than that, this no-stress time in my life is fantastic. I have slept more in the last week than I have in two years. It's wonderful.
One block from our home is a park. It's like going to a United Nations conference. The diversity and camaraderie are amazing. Everyone is so nice. People are exactly who they want to be or are becoming who they want to become. It's such a unique area. Love it!
I'm very excited to serve the patient population here. I like that I will get to meet so many different types of people. I get the opportunity to learn not only medicine, but how to care for people on a very individual level. From the Amish, to Orthodox Jews, the Urban black - it's all here.
I'll let you know how it goes. My first rotation - rural medicine.
I the meantime - I'm going to go get some coffee.