Friday, October 3, 2008


Today is our once-a-semester wellness day. Though I need to study, I am listening to their advice and taking some much needed time off. I will study and work later today, but not right now.

Did I need a break? Yes! In fact, I slept for 11 hours today. It felt great. I feel so much healthier, especially mentally. I was getting depressed and overwhelmed, not because medical school isn't the greatest thing on Earth, but because it's so exhausting. The responsibilities are huge, and the amount of material is even more vast.

We are still learning about the upper extremities. I had no idea there were that many parts and connections. I still say - may you never need to memorize the brachial plexus. Also, I had no idea there were so many different muscle groups in the forearm and hand. Yesterday we dissected the hand on our cadaver, and I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. Everything was so neat and tidy - this small space of little muscles, nerves, and vessels. I don't know that I want to do such detailed work as hand surgery, but I certainly enjoyed learning the anatomy.

Other things that are humerous only from afar - carbohydrate metabolism. So, many people have heard of glycolysis or the Kreb's Cycle (currently called The Citric Acid Cycle - TCA Cycle). When everything starts with gly- or phospho- the brain starts getting mightily confused. I have over 60 pages of these words and diagrams to put into my brain by next Friday. Good times. It's really cool to see how that slice of bread becomes fuel, but it isn't straightforward or instinctive. However, I did learn why we fart. That was amusing. Unfortunately, it's not something I could explain without a fair bit of background information. If you want to know, ask, and I'll try to explain.

Send prayers to my little Francesca (one of my new mice). She has "wet tail," and although she is strong and determined, she is getting weak. I'm doing my best as "Student Doctor Anne," but I'm no veterinarian.

And now - off to study. Perhaps I will go get another piece of honey cake.


Anonymous said...

I know why I fart . . . speaking of which, thanks for letting me have lunch with you on your day off!

Tea N. Crumpet said...

I thought of you on Rosh Hashana. I may convert-- eventually. My daughter with a very Jewish name out of the blue made Jewish food those days. She wants to be a chef and was just making whatever and I thought it was kind of cool. She doesn't know my leanings!

I'm glad that you are loving this-- I hope it continues. The more I learn the more I am amazed with the world and how it fits together.